7 Miles a Second is the acclaimed comics autobiography of legendary artist David Wojnarowicz; it traces his youth through to his AIDS-related death in 1992; the artwork is by Wojnarowicz’s collaborators James Romberger and Marguerite Van Cook. The graphic memoir depicts Wojnarowicz's childhood of prostitution and homelessness on the streets of Manhattan and his adult rage at the inaction of government and health agencies about the AIDS epidemic. First published in 1996 by DC's Vertigo Comics, 7 Miles a Second became a cult classic of the graphic novel. It was reissued in hardcover by Fantagraphics Books in 2012 as it was originally intended: oversized and with Van Cook's intense watercolors restored. This new 8.5 X 11” glossy paperback edition is a significant improvement as it displays the color at full intensity.